Mostly, when I see a YouTube video that I like or an article that I love, I link to it in a Tweet. 140 characters or less to tell my followers to check it out, because it's worth it. At least, nowadays it works that way. A few years ago I would have shared most of that stuff on my blog or on my Myspacepage (may it rest in peace).
With this video however, I decided I needed to share more than just 'check it out'....
This is the keynote that Dave Grohl gave a few days ago at SXSW in Austin, TX (USA) about his view on 'Music'.
From the first minute he got me hooked, and as the speech progressed I felt like I understood Dave and how he feels music. Even more so, I felt like Dave understood me and how I feel music.
When he talks about multitracking with taperecorders in the bedroom, it was almost as if he was talking about my own memories about recording my very first songs on two taperecorders, switching the tapes, and hearing my own 'voice' for the first time as I played it back to myself.
This video is a pure gem for any musician and for me it might just be the peptalk I've been waiting for to kick me in the butt that says 'come on, Marjan, record that fourth album already. You are the musician, you have written the songs. You can sing them, play them, switching between coffee cookers and instruments. Record them on your own computer (long gone are the taperecorders) if you have to. Release them on your own label, put it out there.'
You see, for about three years now I've have been hiding behind the fact that I don't have enough money to record this new album the way I thought I wanted to. But I have been looking at the problem the wrong way. It's not about the money or anything else that I don't have. It's about what I DO have.
I have a voice. I am a musician. And as Dave puts it 'The musician comes first'. None of the rest of it matters.
I am a musician.
Please watch this whole speech. It really is worth checking out...